Huang Group

Quantum-enabled super-resolution imaging

Imaging and precision measurement underpins much of modern science. With each improvement to imaging techniques, we see the world in a whole new light. But the performance of an imaging system is diffraction-limited: traditionally the resolution is constrained by the size of its light collectors and the wavelength.

Quantum techniques can beat the diffraction limit by unlocking information in the light that direct imaging cannot uncover . Direct imaging records only the intensity; to super-resolve, we also need the phase information in the received light – a critical task that requires coherently interfering the signal. A key requirement is that the phase relationship between different parts of the imaging system is well-established. This task becomes even more difficult as the baseline (distance between collectors) of the imaging system grows larger.

To achieve a transformational change in resolution, we can reach into the quantum technology toolbox: how do we make large baseline, quantum-enabled imaging systems that operate in the optical?

Selected Publications

Imaging stars with quantum error correction
Z Huang, GK Brennen, Y Ouyang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.06044 2022

Experimental implementation of secure anonymous protocols on an eight-user quantum key distribution network
Z Huang, SK Joshi, et al.,
npj Quantum Information 8 (1), 1-7 (2022)

Optical quantum super-resolution imaging and hypothesis testing
U Zanforlin, C Lupo, PWR Connolly, P Kok, GS Buller, Z Huang
Accepted for publication in Nature Communications, arXiv:2202.09406

Quantum Hypothesis Testing for Exoplanet Detection
Z Huang, C Lupo
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 130502

Quantum-limited estimation of range and velocity
Z Huang, C Lupo, P Kok
PRX Quantum 2 (3), 030303

Photonic quantum data locking
Z Huang, PP Rohde, DW Berry, P Kok, JP Dowling, C Lupo
Quantum 5, 447 2021

Quantum limits to incoherent imaging are achieved by linear interferometry
C Lupo, Z Huang, P Kok
Physical Review Letters 124 (8), 080503


Gilchrist Group


Mildren Group